Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

(Playlist) Cute Sad Songs

  • Rhye - Song For You
  • Rhye - The Fall
  • Rhye - Hunger
  • Lykke Li - Better Alone
  • Lykke Li - Never Gonna Love Again
  • Ben Howard - She Treats Me Well
  • Ben Howard - Conrad
  • Ben Howard - Promise
  • Sal Priadi - Ikat Aku di Tulang Belikatmu
  • Kla Project - Tak Bisa Kelain Hati
  • Mondo Gascaro - Butiran Angin
  • Mondo Gascaro - Sanubari
  • Danilla - Senja di Ambang Pilu
  • Danilla - Terpaut Oleh Waktu
  • Danilla - Ada Disana



1.    That was produced by this company
2.    That require a minimum balance
3.    You spoke to whose yesterday
4.    Whom grades are the highest in the school
5.    Whom
6.    Whom
7.    Whose
8.    Whom
9.    That
10.    I found that last week
11.    Whom team has has lost the game
12.    That
13.    Whose graduated from Harvard University.
14.    That
15.    Whom brother is a lawyer.


1.    George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2.    All of the money accepted has already been released.
3.    The papers on the table belong to Patricia.
4.    The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.
5.    The girl drinking coffee is Mery Allen.
6.    John’s wife, a professor, has written several papers on this subject.
7.    The man talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8.    The book on the top shelf is the one that I need.
9.    The number of students counted is quite high.
10.    Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day.

1.    The teacher demanded that the student leave the room.
2.    It was urgent that he call her immediately.
3.    It was very important that we delay discussion.
4.    She intends to move that the committee suspend discussion on this issue.
5.    The king decreed that the new laws take effect the following month.
6.    I propose that you should stop this rally.
7.    I advise that you take the prerequisites before registering for this course.
8.    His father prefers that he attend a different university.
9.    The faculty stipulated that the rule be abolished.
10.    She urged that we find another alternative.

1.    Not only
2.    As well as
3.    Both
4.    But also
5.    As well as
6.    Not only
7.    And
8.    But also
9.    As well as
10.    As well as orchids

1.    Know How
2.    Know How
3.    Know
4.    Know
5.    Know How
6.    Know
7.    Know How
8.    Know
9.    Know How
10.    Know How

1.    Although
2.    In spite of
3.    Although
4.    Despite
5.    Even though
6.    In spite of
7.    Though
8.    Even though
9.    Even though
10.    In spite of

1.    Lays
2.    Sit
3.    Lay
4.    Raised
5.    Raise
6.    Lay
7.    Laying
8.    Raised
9.    Rises
10.    Set

Rabu, 06 Juni 2018


The worst thing about being in love is the memories.
You’ll remember exactly which shade of blue he wore on that first date.
You’ll remember his warm hands, on your arms and all over your back and in your hair.
You’ll remember his eyes, the soft look he got in them whenever he looked at you.
You’ll remember his tear-drenched shirt in your tear drenched bed, your shaky hands, your greasy hair, your swollen eyes. 


You’ll remember everything, every goddamn laugh and every goddamn kiss and every goddamn tear and every goddamn second of every moment, from start to finish.
And yet, maybe,
The worst thing about being in love isn’t the memories after all,
Maybe it’s falling in love with the memories too.

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018



1. The president is called by somebody every day.
2. The other members are being called by john.
3. The document were being delivered to the department by Martha.
4. The amendment have been repealed by the other members.
5. The information had been received before the recess by the delegates.
6. The supplies should be bought for this class by the teacher.
7. Mr. Waston will be called tonight by somebody.
8. Considerable demage has been coused by the fire.
9. A new procedure were being developed before the bankruptcy hearing begin by the company.
10. The papers will have been received by tomorrow by John.


1. Leave
2. Repaired
3. To type
4. Call
5. Painted
6. To write
7. Lie
8. Sent
9. Cuts
10. Sign
11. Leave
12. To wash
13. Fixed
14. Published
15. find

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Beautiful Chaos

Sehelai kelopak mata membatasi aku dan engkau
Layaknya takdir yang sedang bergurau, pun juga engkau
Setiap helaian napas mendekatkan sekaligus menjauhkan kita
Hanya dengan suatu pertemuan
                               Pertemuan dengan rasa
                               Pertemuan menjadi harapan
Kala rasa menjadi hasrat
Kala itu ia sadarkan
            ia hanya sedang bergurau
Dekat memang, tapi tidak tergapai
Saat tangan ini mampu meraihnya,
Namun mulai pudar
Engkau membuatku putus asa dan mencinta
Pada saat yang sama.

EXERCISE 31 - 34 (Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)


1.    Twelve story
2.    Language
3.    Three act
4.    Two days
5.    79 pieces
6.    Five shelves
7.    16 ounces
8.    Six quart
9.    Brick
10.    Ten speeds


1.    Enough people
2.    Enough French
3.    Enough time
4.    Last enough
5.    Soon enough
6.    Early enough
7.    Hard enough
8.    Slowly enough
9.    Enough floor
10.    Enough books


1.    Because of
2.    Because
3.    Because of
4.    Because
5.    Because of
6.    Because of
7.    Because
8.    Because
9.    Because
10.  Because


1.    So
2.    Such
3.    Such
4.    Such
5.    Such
6.    So
7.    Such
8.    So
9.    Such
10.    Such
11.    So
12.    So
13.    Such
14.    So
15.    So

Minggu, 01 April 2018

Review Black Mirror 'White Bear' (SPOILER ALERT!)

         Buat kalian yang doyan banget nonton film apa lagi ngikutin film-filmnya Netflix, -which is mostly never disappoints- mungkin ga asing lagi dengan series Black Mirror. Awal-awal gua nonton Black Mirror, I thought ‘oh ni film tentang dampak teknologi’ makin semangat lah nonton karna ya major gua banget gitu lho. Tapi kok lama-lama malah ‘Eee kok serem?!’. Setelah dipahamin ternyata Black Mirror itu the dark satire of modern technology gitu gaes, maksudnya adalah teknologi ternyata enggak melulu identik dengan kesan futuristis bernuansa cerah. Saat nonton Black Mirror, kalian bakal nemuin sisi gelap teknologi modern pada kehidupan manusia. Apalagi, tema-tema dari setiap episode seolah menyindir fenomena yang memang hadir di tengah masyarakat kita.

Nonton Black Mirror tuh feeling guilty pleasure -kind of version gitu buat gua. Feeling guilty pleasure-nya tuh bukan kaya yang diem-diem jalan sama pacarnya temen yha, bukan! Hati nurani gua bilang ‘Ya Allah seburuk itu kah masa depan manusia??’ tapi otak gua nyuruh buat nonton terus ni film karna selain rasa penasaran, gua juga pengen tau apa lagi sih nih yg bakal terjadi dan ada di masa yang akan datang? Yha pokoknya kalian harus coba deh nonton series Black Mirror ini. Dan kali ini yang pengen gua review -dari seorang penonton  dan penulis awam- adalah ‘White Bear’. Season 2 Episode 2 dari Black Mirror.

Film ini dimulai dari scene seorang tokoh bernama Victoria Skillane yang terbangun di sebuah rumah dalam keadaan bingung, kesakitan dan gatau siapa diri nya. Lalu dia keluar untuk mencari tau apa-apa yang terjadi. Tapi aneh nya, semua orang yang dia temuin itu cuman diem ngeliatin dia aja, bahkan merekam dengan ponsel mereka. Penderitaan dia ditambah lagi sama orang-orang bertopeng yang keliatannya sih pengen bunuh dia. Aseli,  baru scene awal aja gua udah geregetan like, what’s wrong with those people? Why aren’t they helping? They’re just watching! Rasanya tuh kalo lo ketemu sama tokoh Victoria ini pasti akan bantu dia. But, setelah lu tonton ni film ampe abis… hm, nope thank you.

Ternyata, Victoria adalah tersangka yang membantu tunangan nya, Ian Rannoch melakukan penculikan dan pembunuhan terhadap anak kecil yang bernama Jemima Sykes yang diculik 2mil dari rumah nya. Ian Rannoch menyiksa dan membakar Jemima, sementara Victoria merekam aksi tersebut dengan ponsel nya. Victoria mengakui merekam saat-saat terakhir Jemima, dia mengaku dipaksa oleh tunangannya. Para juri dan hakim gak percaya dong sama cerita Victoria lalu melabeli nya sebagai ‘penjahat unik’ dan ‘manusia beracun’. Maka para juri dan hakim berfikir Victoria seharusnya mendapat hukuman tambahan. Karena Ian bunuh diri di dalam tahanan dan banyak yang meyakini bahwa ia menghindari keadilan, akhirnya warga menginginkan agar Victoria tak melakukan hal yang sama. Dibuatlah The White Bear Justice Park, Victoria disiksa berulang kali dalam skenario tersebut dan dihilangkan ingatannya agar dia menjalani simulasi semacam itu, setiap hari, sampai masa hukumannya habis. Usai menjalani hukumannya, dia dimasukkan ke sebuah kapsul dan dipertontonkan kepada masyarakat yang marah di White Bear Justice Park.